Member-Owned House Sharing


How Does Sharing My Home Work?


If you’re thinking of sharing your home, you may be like many others who want to stay in your own home, and in your community, but could use help with housing and living expenses. You might also enjoy having other like-minded people around for companionship and fun!

TVA Shared Housing is different from other senior shared housing options out there in the following ways:

  • We provide three options to make the home sharing experience work for you.
  • We have a matching software to assure that potential roommates are the best possible fit for you.
  • In addition to reducing your housing and living costs by sharing them with roommates, you can receive extra income through our model.
  • There are no upfront costs for using our services. 





Your Home Sharing Options Include:

Option 1

Owner Shared With TVA Support

TVA provides the following support services to you:

  • Help finding the very best roommates with TVA’s matching software and roommate background checking process.
  • All legal documents needed for a successful home sharing experience.
  • Additional TVA services to enable you to age in place longer and more safely than previously possible.
  • Any minor renovations needed to make your home conducive to home sharing.
  • Ongoing management and maintenance of house share operations by TVA.

These services are provided at no cost to you, as TVA shares in a portion of the revenue provided from roommate rental proceeds. 



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Option 2

TVA House Lease/Purchase

In addition to the benefits and services included in Option1, you may be interested in leasing or selling your home to TVA, while still remaining the primary resident in the home.


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Option 3

DYI – With TVA Support

You may choose to set up and manage the home share experience on your own, or with your family’s involvement in a do-it-yourself way. TVA will provide consultative support to you throughout the home sharing process. 



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Let Us Answer Your Questions

Reach out to us and let us answer your questions and help you determine which home sharing option might be best for you. We believe in the benefits of home sharing and we’d be happy to talk about how this might work for you!


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